Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Links Between Growth And Energy Consumption Environmental Sciences Essay

Melting glaciers, lifting sea degrees, an addition in mean planetary temperature, and unnatural precipitation forms have started to do planetary warming an evident world throughout the past decennary. Meanwhile, increasing gross domestic merchandise ( GDP ) remains the cardinal mark of the universe ‘s economic development scheme. In many states, GDP growing is tied closely to increasing energy strength. Unless economic growing is decoupled from increased energy ingestion, the horn of plenty of nursery gases in the ambiance and the subsequent consequence of planetary heating will halter political and societal facets of the universe ‘s activities today. Harmonizing to the Alliance to Save Energy, â€Å" energy efficiency is the quickest, cheapest, cleanest manner to widen our universe ‘s energy supplies. † Because enormous energy losingss occur in the out-of-date substructure, energy efficient solutions that can assist uncouple economic growing from wasteful en ergy usage must be applied. Tamil Nadu is a fast developing province that supports a population of over 6 million people. With the addition in population comes an addition in demand for basic comfortss that include H2O, shelter and lifestyle demands. The growing in population should be supported with a attendant rise in the Gross Domestic Product of the province for the province to be self sufficient in footings of its resources. However, unlike the population, resources do non increase exponentially and therefore, the displacement in the demographic profile of the province will further increase the demand for non-renewable supplies. This calls for the efficient usage of available resources so that a dearth free hereafter can be attained in footings of energy and H2O demands. The province ‘s Annual Plan shows that every twelvemonth, around 1,94,351 hundred thousand rupees is being spent for bring forthing and keeping power supplies. The ratio of this demand to the other disbursals of the province is listed in the tabular array below. Efficient usage of available energy will assist cut down this outgo and this money can be channeled to other constructive strategies such as instruction or the wellness sectors that warrant more budget allotments. Harmonizing to the International Energy Agency ( IEA ) , energy strength in high because of two grounds â€Å" higher losingss in the supply concatenation and inefficient usage. † ( IEA 2003 ) . Implementing energy efficiency steps in substructure is a guaranteed method for bring forthing energy and fiscal nest eggs from edifices, warming, H2O supply, sewerage, and street lighting substructure. Energy efficiency in H2O supply systems is particularly good: nest eggs are accrued in H2O every bit good as energy, cut downing costs while bettering service. Efficiency in the proviso of energy and H2O is one of the few cost-efficient options available for run intoing turning demands for critical services such as electricity, H2O and effluent intervention. Energy efficiency retrofits contribute to improved wellbeing of the population, client service and payment aggregation. If increasing energy efficiency is seen as a end on a nation-wide graduated table, it can besides lend to a state ‘s energy security, be it energy exporting or energy importation. Presently, substructure is outdated. In visible radiation of the uproar over planetary clime alteration and the lifting tendency in green investing, pulling attending to energy efficiency is a timely and valuable chance. There are legion illustrations of successful energy efficiency undertakings to back up the averment that efficiency betterments yield cost-efficient benefits. Such illustrations were highlighted in the Commonwealth of Independent States † held in Moscow, Russia 13-14 November 2006. This demonstrates that due to miss of professional edifice direction, economic inducements for rational energy ingestion and metering, much energy and fiscal resources that can otherwise be usedare being wasted ( Sivaev 2006 ) . Power Grid of the province: LENGTH OF EHT/HT LINES, DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS AND EHT/HT SUB STATIONS 2008-09 Tamil Nadu has a power grid that has a entire affiliated burden of 41,713 million units of electricity which is distributed throughout the province for domestic, commercial, industrial, public utilities, agribusiness, grip and railroads. The per centum of energy ingestion for each of these intents in enlisted in the tabular array below. Consumption OF ELECTRICITY 2008-09 A really little proportion of the generated power is sold to other provinces. Among the sum split up explained above, the highest per centum of power ingestion is by the domestic sector after the industrial ingestion. The power grid of the province caters to 1,36,64,219 families with a power burden of 15,599 million units as per the main applied scientists be aftering study, TNEB, Chennai for the twelvemonth 2009. The sum of electricity for the other sectors is besides detailed in the undermentioned tabular array. Consumers AND CONNECTED LOAD The hereafter of lodging and shelter are houses that are designed to increase the energy efficiency and environmental public presentation. The long-run aim is to transform the lodging market to one in which a bulk of residential new building in the province is â€Å" net zero-energy † i.e. highly efficient edifices whose low energy demands can be met by on-site renewable energy coevals. It is critical to back up the passage to a residential new building energy codification that favours energy preservation criterions to guarantee a better tomorrow ( Building Science Consortium, 2009 ) . Power Dearth in Tamil Nadu: To understand the nature of the power famine in tamilnadu, it is critical to understand the beginning of the power that is generated. In tamilnadu the net energy generated comes from the thermic workss, hydro-electric workss, Wind/Solar energy generated within the province. However this histories for merely around half the demand of the province, and therefore the remainder is purchased from the cardinal sectors, CPP and private sectors. The split up of the generated power is shown in the undermentioned figure. There are a figure of market barriers to efficiency investings in new building, viz. : conflicting design standards, deficiency of information sing the benefits of efficiency and environmental public presentation on the portion of consumers, builders, loaners, valuators, Realtors and others, limited proficient accomplishments on the portion of some of the builders and their subcontractors to turn to cardinal elements of efficiency ; and inability of consumers, loaners, valuators and others to distinguish between efficient and standard places. Low-carbon energy in edifices Low-carbon energy issues in the built environment have been a cardinal focal country for REEEP since the G8 Gleneagles Plan of Action in 2005, which called for REEEP to make more work in the countries of energy efficiency in edifices. Since so, REEEP has been back uping both energy efficiency and the integrating of renewable energy in edifices, holding supported six undertakings and committed about a‚ ¬0.6 million in this infinite. The REEEP-supported undertakings in low- C energy have covered four states: China, Fiji, South Africa, and India. Some of the cardinal enterprises supported by REEEP include the followers: Financing the publicity of energy efficiency in China by Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission ; Promotion of energy efficiency in the cordial reception sector in Fiji by the Greenlight Technology Group ; Policies and ordinances for constructing energy efficiency in Bangalore, India, by the Energy and Resources Institute ( ERI ) . Cardinal lessons from REEEP ‘s experience in low-carbon energy in edifices include the followers: Solar level home base aggregators are a mature, appropriate, financially feasible, and ready engineering for a large-scale rollout in developing states ( Winkler, 2007 ) . Appliance criterions and labels are a really effectual policy and regulative instrument. Their function will increase as people in developing states progressively get energy-consuming equipment such as iceboxs, air conditioners, rinsing machines, etc. There is besides a demand to spread out the range of criterions and labels to include thermic energy contraptions such as gas room warmers and gas cookery ranges. The direct and indirect subsidies on electricity and warming fuels are a major barrier to accomplishing low-carbon energy passage in edifices in developing states ( Srivastava and Rehman, 2006 ) . Reform of administered monetary values and rationalization of subsidies in electricity and fuels are a pre-requisite to accomplishing important additions in energy efficiency and renewable energy in the built environment ( Johannson and Goldemberg, 2002 ) . Cardinal lessons from REEEP ‘s experiences in low-carbon energy policy include the followers: The figure of people populating in urban Centres in developing states is increasing, and more urban Centres are being developed. Cities and towns provide a good chance to passage to a low-carbon energy system through a focussed, area-based attack. Low-carbon energy planning demands to be integrated into urban planning and should cover subjects such as transit, edifice, and H2O supply every bit good as electricity and heat. Policy instruments such as feed-in-tariffs have helped in increasing the portion of renewable energy in electricity systems. However, feed-in-tariffs should be carefully designed to guarantee economic efficiency and long-run nutriment of the renewable energy market. Feed-in-tariffs are non relevant to off-grid energy systems, thermic energy, or energy efficiency market development. Mechanisms such as command systems and certificate systems ( renewable energy certifications, white/EE certifications, etc. ) provide an alternate market-based mechanism, but new institutional models should still be established before they can be implemented. Buildings energy public presentation criterions and codifications are cardinal policy instruments for low-carbon energy passage in edifices. Corporate policy and corporate societal duty have non played a important function in low-carbon energy grade development in developing states. As traditional and new concerns grow in developing states, the function of corporate policy will increase, comparative to authorities policies. Several describing enterprises, such as the Carbon Disclose Project ( CDP ) supported this determination. Single household and joint-family places can both profit if the place is designed to be energy efficient. An of import restriction is constructing â€Å" Low-cost Housing † regardless of their location. Larger places as in places designed for joint households are likely to inherently utilize more energy, and advancing energy efficient lodging allows entire place energy usage to turn with size ( Building Science Consortium, 2009 ) . A concerted selling offer for take parting builders will drive homebuyer demand for measure uping places. An aggressive consumer focused selling run will be indispensable to keep builder engagement ( and hence market portion ) . Areas for research in residential new building may include the public presentation metering of plan places and optimized new place designs for important decrease or riddance of chilling energy is besides critical to see chances to beg originative proposals for pilot-scale publicities associated with the development of energy efficient places. Energy ingestion metres and monitoring will be built into these places to enable future trailing of existent public presentation. To run into the challenges of a slow residential new building lodging market, increased energy criterions, reward high public presentation places, passage to a market-based, place energy rater web, the undermentioned plan schemes and tactics are being proposed: Carbon footmark labelling for high public presentation places, making consumer consciousness and demand, distinguishing builders in the turning â€Å" green edifice † consciousness of consumers. It is critical to pull media attending to relevant undertakings and associated nest eggs realized by occupants, particularly for place undertakings, which incorporate both energy efficiency and renewable energy engineerings ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . Further, it is of import to construct relationships with residential builders through educational seminars and preparation to increase higher public presentation edifice patterns and to assist construct a Green Workforce. Energy-efficient places help lower energy costs, addition affordability, addition lastingness, and better wellness and safety. High public presentation places cut down impact on the environment. It is a call for every place to be a portion of the solution for sustainable life to assist battle planetary heating. Feature narratives concentrating on energy and fiscal nest eggs, new engineerings ( solar ) , and environmentally sound edifice patterns herald a new epoch of efficient places. Homes that feature new energy-saving engineerings, renewable energy, and really high public presentation places, in footings of their energy evaluation and decreased environmental impact give us a promise for a better life in the hereafter ( Home Energy Magazine ( for residential consu mers ) , 2008 ) . Increased consciousness of green and sustainable life patterns, and impact of C footmark decrease, greater consciousness of residential indoor air quality, wellness and safety issues for better life, publicity of energy rescuer programs to cut down energy use 20 % back uping the increased development of a green work force by advancing green occupation preparation are critical stairss towards accomplishing an ecofriendly building civilization. The current economic uncertainness may stamp down Numberss of energy efficient places, peculiarly if occupants are non good educated on the benefits of such places. As such, the consciousness of energy efficient places among Realtors and residential place buyers/builders remains comparatively low ( Home Energy Magazine ( for residential consumers ) , 2008 ) . Energy Efficient Strategies in edifices: Energy efficiency steps require capacity-building attempts to authorise establishments and persons to implement energy-saving plans and do energy-saving determinations. Examples of capacity edifice include set uping energy audit processs and hearer preparation plans, developing systems to track energy ingestion forms and set up benchmarks, set uping energy direction systems, making enfranchisement systems for energy practicians, developing energy direction guidelines, and easing engineering transportation. Passive Solar Passive solar systems integrate solar air heating engineerings into a edifice ‘s design. Buildings are designed with stuffs that absorb or reflect solar energy to keep comfy indoor air temperatures and supply natural daytime. Floors and walls can be designed to absorb and retain heat during warm yearss and let go of it during cool eventides. Sunspaces operate like nurseries and gaining control solar heat that can be circulated throughout a edifice. Trombe walls are thick walls that are painted black and made of a stuff that absorbs heat, which is stored during the twenty-four hours and released at dark. Passive solar designs can besides chill edifices, utilizing blowholes, towers, window overhangs, and other attacks to maintain edifices cool in warm climes ( Doug Rye, 2010 ) . Air Waterproofing Air sealing the place â€Å" envelope † and sealing air distribution canals are two of import steps for energy efficiency and indoor air quality. The greatest air escape waies are at the margin of the floor line and in air distribution ducts/returns. Air escape besides occurs at incursions for plumbing, illuming, wiring and around chimney pursuits. Conditioned air leaking from canals can do the full house to pull outside air. This replacing air must be conditioned on a go oning footing, increasing energy usage. Merchandises for sealing air escape in place building include froth sealer for wiring holes in the top home bases of walls ; caulk for clefts and crannies ; weather-stripping for doors and Attic hatches ; and backer rod or rope caulk for make fulling window/door shim infinites. Insulation Some insularity merchandises perform dual responsibility by air sealing and insulating in topographic points where they are applied. As the thickness of an insulating stuff additions, so does effectiveness or R-value. However, if air flows through the insularity, or finds a tract around the insularity, the insulating consequence is greatly reduced. That ‘s why air sealing the edifice envelope before insulating is of import. Types of Insulation Cellulose: R-value is about 3.4 to 3.8 per inch. Cellulose, which is made from recycled newspaper, is blown moistness into unfastened wall pits and sometimes blown dry in the Attic. Boric acid, an additive in cellulose insularity, increases fire opposition, repels insects, and helps forestall mold growing. Cellulose should be blown at a denseness of around 3 to 3.2 lbs per three-dimensional pes to assist forestall subsiding and for enhanced air sealing. Mention to the coverage chart on each bag and cognize how many bags are installed. Fiberglass: R-value for batts is about 3.1 to 4.3 per inch. Compaction of batts will do a decrease in R-value. Fiberglass insularity provides small decrease in air escape, but when combined with extended air sealing patterns can be really effectual. Some new methods of put ining fibreglass include a more heavy high R-value application utilizing an adhesive binding agent and a nonwoven cloth for keeping. Spray-in-place froth: R-Value scopes around 3 to 4 for unfastened cell froth and about 6 to 7 per inch for closed cell froth. Foams have high value for insulating and have excellent air sealing belongingss. However, spray-in-place froth has a higher initial cost. Flammability and burning features of froth merchandises vary harmonizing to the chemical preparation, burning temperature, and available air. WINDOWS, DOORS AND SKYLIGHTS For energy efficiency and comfort, choose ENERGY STAR Windowss, doors, and fanlights labeled for your clime zone. To measure up for the excess benefits of Comfort Advantage Plus, select a window with a Solar Heat Gain Coefficient ( SHGC ) of.35 or lower. This ensures extra protection from solar heat come ining the place ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . Light ENERGY STAR qualified illuming provides warm bright visible radiation but uses 75 per centum less energy and produces 75 per centum less heat ( Journal of Light Construction ( for builders or contractors ) , 2008 ) . Both bulbs and illuming fixtures exposing the ENERGY STAR label can be used ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . Lighting histories for about 20 % of the entire electricity demand in the state, and is a major constituent of the peak burden. The bulk of illuming demands in the state are met by incandescent bulbs, peculiarly in the family sector, which are highly energy inefficient as over 90 % of the electricity is converted into heat, and merely upto 10 % is used for illuming. CFLs provide an energy-efficient option to the incandescent lamp by utilizing one-fifth as much electricity as an incandescent lamp to supply the same degree of light. CFLs have about wholly penetrated the commercial market, and the gross revenues of CFLs in India have grown from about 20 million in 2003 to around 200 million in 2008. Statisticss by illuming association indicates that the incursion of Compact Fluorescent Lamps ( CFLs ) in family sector is merely approximately 5 % – 10 % ; the comparatively low incursion rate is mostly due to the high monetary value of the CFLs, which costs 8-10 times every bit much as incandescent bulbs. It is estimated that about 400 million light points in India today are lighted by incandescent bulbs ; their replacing by CFLs would take to a decrease of over 10,000 MW in electricity demand. This would non merely cut down emanations by manner of efficient terminal usage of electricity, but would besides ensue in the decrease of extremum burden in the state which presently faces a deficit of upto 15 % . The Conference of Chief Ministers on Power Sector chaired by the Hon'ble Prime Minister on 28th May, 2007, recognized the important potency of salvaging electricity through its efficient usage by Demand Side Management intercessions which would supply immediate consequences for salvaging electricity. The intercessions resolved by the Conference include bulk procurance and distribution of CFLs ( to cut down costs ) , acceptance of Energy Conservation Building Code ( ECBC ) , advancing and mandating the usage of energy efficient pumps and other energy efficient and contraptions. The â€Å" Bachat Lamp Yojana † aims at the big scale replacing of incandescent bulbs in families by CFLs. It seeks to supply CFLs to households at the monetary value similar to that of incandescent bulbs and programs to use the Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) ofthe Kyoto Protocol to retrieve the cost derived function between the market monetary value of the CFLs and the monetary value at which they are sold to families. The Bachat Lamp Yojana is designed as a public-private partnership between the Government of India, private sector CFL providers and State degree Electricity Distribution Companies ( DISCOMs ) . Under the strategy merely 60 Watt and 100 Watt incandescent Lamps will be replaced with 11- 15 Watt and 20 – 25 Watt CFLs severally. BEE will supervise the electricity nest eggs in each undertaking country in conformity with the monitoring methodological analysis prescribed by the Executive Board of the CDM. For this intent, BEE has developed smart metres based on GSM engineering that are fitted between the socket and the CFL in sample families in each undertaking country. The GSM based metre collects the information on hours of usage and energy consumed by the sample CFL and sends this information by SMS to the cardinal waiter. An independent bureau has already been selected for this occupation and metres have been installed in Vizag, Andhra Pradesh and Yamunagar, Haryana. Trial of these metres have been carried out in NABL accredited labs. It is expected that around 50 hundred thousand CFLs will be replaced in each DISCOM country. In order to cut down the dealing costs associated with the blessing of CDM undertakings, BEE has developed a Programme of Activities ( PoA ) which would function as an umbrella CDM undertaking, and would be registered with the CDM Executive Board. The single undertakings, designed to be in conformity with the umbrella undertaking, would be added to the umbrella undertaking as and when they are prepared. The development of the PoA is a voluntary action on the portion of BEE, and it would non seek any commercial or CDM grosss from the PoA. On the other manus, BEE will, on behalf of the Government of India take the duty of monitoring of all undertaking countries after the DISCOMs and the CFL providers have entered into a three-party understanding ( TP A ) with BEE. Solar Power Solar power is energy from the Sun. Solar engineerings convert visible radiation and heat from the Sun into utile energy. Photovoltaic ( PV ) systems convert sunlight into electricity. Thermal systems cod and shop solar heat for air and H2O warming applications. Concentrating solar power systems concentrate solar energy to drive large-scale electric power workss. Solar power systems produce small or no emanations and have a minimum impact on the environment. Photovoltaics PV power systems convert light from the Sun into electricity. PV cells are devices made of semiconducting stuffs similar to those used in computing machine french friess. When these devices are connected to an electrical circuit and exposed to visible radiation, they release negatrons that flow through the circuit, making an electric current. PV panels, are devices that contain a variable figure of PV cells and change over sunshine into direct current ( DC ) electricity. PV panels are typically incorporated into systems that combine batteries and electronic control equipment to supply full- clip DC and/or jumping current ( AC ) power. Typical applications include illuming, electronics, telecommunications, and small-scale H2O pumping.THE RATIONALE FOR PVSolar energy is the most abundant energy resource on Earth. The solar energy that hits the Earth ‘s surface in one hr is about the same as the sum consumed by all human activities in a twelvemonth. Direct transition of sunshine i nto electricity in PV cells is one of the three chief solar active engineerings, the two others being concentrating solar power ( CSP ) and solar thermic aggregators for warming and chilling ( SHC ) . Today, PV provides 0.1 % of entire planetary electricity coevals. However, PV is spread outing really quickly due to dramatic cost decreases. PV is a commercially available and dependable engineering with a important potency for long-run growing in about all universe parts ( Bank Sarasin, 2008 ) .Technology public presentation and costPV systems straight convert solar energy into electricity. The basic edifice block of a PV system is the PV cell, which is a semiconducting material device that converts solar energy into direct-current ( DC ) electricity. PV cells are interconnected to organize a PV faculty, typically up to 50-200 Watts ( W ) . The PV faculties combined with a set of extra application-dependent system constituents ( e.g. inverters, batteries, electrical constituents, and mounting systems ) , organize a PV system. PV systems are extremely modular, i.e. faculties can be linked together to supply power runing from a few Watts to 10s of megawatts ( MW ) . Commercial PV faculties may be divided into two wide classs: wafer based c-Si and thin movies. There are a scope of emerging engineerings, including concentrating photovoltaics ( CPV ) and organic solar cells, every bit good as fresh constructs with important possible for public presentation addition and cost decrease ( Fthenakis V. et al. , 2008 ) . The big assortment of PV applications allows for a scope of different engineerings to be present in the market, from low-cost, lower efficiency engineerings to high-efficiency engineerings at higher cost. Conversion efficiency, defined as the ratio between the produced electrical power and the sum of incident solar energy per second, is one of the chief public presentation indexs of PV cells and faculties. PV systems can be connected to the public-service corporation grid or operated in stand-alone applications. They can besides be used in building-integrated systems ( BIPV ) 2. The investing costs of PV systems are still comparatively high, although they are diminishing quickly as a consequence of engineering betterments and economic systems of volume and graduated table. High investing costs, or entire system costs, represent the most of import barrier to PV deployment today ( Jager-Waldau, A. , 2008 ) . Associated levelised electricity coevals costs from PV systems depend to a great extent on two factors: the sum of annually sunlight irradiation ( and associated capacity factor ) , and the interest/ price reduction rate. PV systems do non hold traveling parts, so operating and care ( O & A ; M ) costs are comparatively little, estimated at around 1 % of capital investing per twelvemonth. The corresponding coevals costs for residential PV systems ranged from USD 360-720 /MWh, depending on the relevant incident solar energy. While these residential costs are really high, it should be noted that residential PV systems provide electricity at the distribution grid degree. Therefore they compete with electricity grid retail monetary values, which, in a figure of OECD states, can besides be really high ( Moehlecke, A. and Zanesco, I. , 2007 ) . Solar Water Heating Systems Solar H2O heating systems, such as the 1s pictured in China ‘s Yunnan Province, consist of a solar aggregator and a storage armored combat vehicle. The aggregator is typically a rectangular box with a transparent screen, through which pipes run, transporting H2O that is heated by the Sun. The pipes are attached to an absorber home base, which is painted black to absorb the heat. As the Sun ‘s heat warms the aggregator, the H2O is heated and passed to the storage armored combat vehicle, which shops the hot H2O heated for domestic usage. As explained by the National Renewable Energy Laboratories, â€Å" Solar H2O heating systems can be either active or inactive. Active systems rely on pumps to travel the liquid between the aggregator and the storage armored combat vehicle, while inactive systems rely on gravitation and the inclination for H2O to of course go around as it is heated ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) .System design and sizeSizing of resid ential solar H2O heating systems is by and large easy: the regulation of pollex is 20-gallons per individual for the first two people and 15-gallons for each extra individual in the house.The RETScreen International Clean Energy Project Analysis Software15 is an advanced and alone energy consciousness, determination support and capacity edifice tool. It consists of standardised and incorporate undertaking analysis package that can be used worldwide to measure the energy production, life-cycle costs and nursery gas emanation decreases for assorted types of proposed energy efficient and renewable energy engineerings compared to conventional energy systems ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) .Market tendenciesThe planetary PV market has experienced vivacious growing for more than a decennary with an mean one-year growing rate of 40 % . The cumulative installed PV power capacity has grown from 0.1GW in 1992 to 14 GW in 2008 ( Navigant, 2009 ) . Market end-use sectors There are four end-use sectors with distinguishable markets for PV: Utility graduated table systems ( get downing at 1 MW, mounted on edifices or straight on the land ) Off-grid applications ( changing sizes ) Residential systems ( typically up to 20 kilowatts systems on single places ) Commercial systems ( typically up to 1 MW systems for commercial office edifices, schools, infirmaries, and retail ) The bulk of grid-connected systems are installed as BIPV systems. However, ground-mounted large- graduated table installings with a coevals capacity in the 10s of megawatts have gained a considerable market portion in recent old ages. As a consequence, off-grid PV systems now constitute less than 10 % of the entire PV market ; nevertheless, such applications still remain of import in distant countries and in developing states that lack electricity substructure. India India has a big and diversified PV industry dwelling of 10s to the full vertically incorporate makers doing solar cells, solar panels and complete PV systems, and around 50 assembly programs of assorted sorts. Together, these companies supply about 200 MW per twelvemonth of 30 different types of PV systems in three classs – rural, distant country and industrial. However, despite this strong industrial base, PV constitutes a little portion of India ‘s installed power coevals capacity, with 2.7 MW grid- connected systems and 1.9 MW stand-alone systems in 2008 ( Banerjee, 2008 ) . There have been a figure of high-ranking authorities enterprises that have provided new impulse for PV deployment in India, including: The 2008 Action Plan on Climate Change included a â€Å" National Solar Mission † In 2008, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy ( MNRE ) established Generation Based Incentives ( GBI ) programme. The Eleventh Five-Year Plan ( 2007-12 ) proposed solar RD & A ; D support of INR 4 billion ( 86.4M USD ) .CO2 emanations decreaseThe deployment of PV will lend significantly to the reduced C strength of electricity coevals. Taking into history the different mean CO2 emanations of electricity production mixes in different universe parts, and utilizing the BLUE Map scenario mean long-run emanation decrease coefficients for the power sector, the 4 500 TWh generated by PV in 2050 is expected to salvage 2.3 Gt of CO2 emanations on an one-year footing worldwide, about twice that predicted in the BLUE Map scenario. This corresponds to about 5 % of the sum avoided CO2 emanations ( 48 Gt ) from all engineering countries projected in the ETP 2008 BLUE Map Scenario with regard to the Baseline Scenario. Over the period 2008-2050, the estimated cumulative nest eggs are around 100 Gt of CO2 ( Zweibel, K. , Mason, J. and Fthenakis, V. , 2008 ) . Strategic ends and mileposts Achieving the deployment way outlined in this roadmap will necessitate a important investing by authorities and industry in effectual engineering development and policy execution. This subdivision identifies short- , mid- and long-run engineering ends and mileposts and related key R & A ; D issues.Technology tendenciesAn overview of the different PV engineerings and constructs under development are summarized below. Crystalline Si Today, the huge bulk of PV faculties ( 85 % to 90 % of the planetary one-year market ) are based on wafer-based c-Si. Crystalline Si PV faculties are expected to stay a dominant PV engineering until at least 2020. This is due to their proven and dependable engineering, long life-times, and abundant primary resources. The chief challenge for c-Si faculties is to better the efficiency and effectivity of resource ingestion through stuffs decrease, improved cell constructs and mechanization of fabrication. Thin movies Thin movies are made by lodging highly thin beds of light-sensitive stuffs in the micrometre ( I?m ) scope on a low-priced backup such as glass, unstained steel or plastic. The chief advantages of thin movies are their comparatively low ingestion of natural stuffs, high mechanization and production efficiency, easiness of edifice integrating and improved visual aspect, good public presentation at high ambient temperature, and decreased sensitiveness to overheating. The current drawbacks are lower efficiency and the industry ‘s limited experience with lifetime public presentations. II-VI semiconducting material thin movies CdTe cells are a type of II-VI semiconducting material thin movie and have a comparatively simple production procedure, leting for lower production costs. CdTe engineering has achieved the highest production degree of all the thin movie engineerings. It besides has an energy payback clip of eight months, the shortest clip among all bing PV engineerings. For CIGS cells, the fiction procedure is more demanding and consequences in higher costs and efficiencies compared to CdTe cells. Today, CdTe has achieved a dominant place amongst thin movie in footings of market portion and has a market-leading cost-per W. Emerging engineerings Emerging PV engineerings comprise advanced inorganic thin movie engineerings ( e.g. Si, CIS ) every bit good as organic solar cells. Organic solar cells are potentially low cost engineerings that are about to do their market entryway for niche applications. Another emerging PV engineering is based on the construct of thermo-photovoltaics whereby a high efficiency PV cell is combined with a thermic radiation beginning. Novel PV constructs Novel PV concepts purpose at accomplishing ultra-high- efficiency solar cells by developing active beds which best lucifer the solar spectrum or which modify the entrance solar spectrum. Both attacks build on advancement in nanotechnology and nano-materials. Concentrator engineerings ( CPV ) All PV engineerings described so far are alleged flat-plate engineerings which use the of course available sunshine. As an option, direct solar radiation can be concentrated by optical agencies and used in concentrator solar cell engineerings. Water: India faces a despairing state of affairs of H2O deficit. Its fragile and finite H2O resources are consuming while the demands for H2O from assorted sectors of the economic system are quickly lifting. In recent old ages, the industrial and domestic sectors have realized this disparity in the supply and demand. The per capita handiness of H2O in India has been reduced from 5277 three-dimensional meters in 1995 to 1970 three-dimensional metres now. This is projected to cut down farther to about 1000-1700 three-dimensional metres by 2025, doing India a H2O stressed state. At the same clip, demand for H2O continues to turn and will turn 40 % from 750 bcm to 1050 bcm by 2025. Tamil Nadu receives most of its rainfall during the two monsoon seasons, viz. the South West Monsoon and the North East Monsoon seasons. The North East Monsoon brings an norm of 431.1 to 552.7 millimeter of rainfall while the south west monsoon brings an norm of 287.6 to 335.5 millimeter rainfall harmonizing to the meteoric Department records of 2008-2009. The distribution of rainfall in winter and summer is good below the 150mm grade and hence the province faces H2O deficits during most of the twelvemonth. However, if the H2O from the monsoon is expeditiously harvested, it can be channeled for usage during the rainless summers and winters so that H2O ingestion can be managed expeditiously. The tabular array below gives a image of the distribution of rainfall among the cardinal territories of the province. Rainfall is non unvarying within the province as it varies with the geographical location of the territories within the province. The hilly Nilgiris territory receives the most rainfall of over 1800 millimeter. the coastal territories stand following with rainfall ranging over 1400 millimeter in Cuddalore, Nagapattinam and Thiruvarur, and over 1200mm in Kancheepuram, Kanyakumari and Thanjavur, over 1000 millimeter in Chennai, Salem, Villupuram, Thiruvallur and Ramanathapuram. The other territories received rainfall less than or above 800 millimeters harmonizing to the existent rainfall recorded in the aforementioned territories during the twelvemonth 2008-2009 by the Meteorological Survey Department, Chennai.DISTRIBUTION OF DISTRICTS BY RANGE OF RAINFALL 2008-09Safe imbibing H2O is linked closely to the wellbeing of human life. In India, the primary beginnings of imbi bing H2O, that include surface H2O and groundwater, are contaminated by different physical drosss, agricultural and industrial wastes and belowground chemicals and minerals. The undermentioned graph gives the position of H2O supply in the territories of tamilnadu. Although most of the countries are covered with consistent warer supply, there are ruddy aeras in every territory that indicate substructure spreads or shortages in supply. As a province, Tamil Nadu is in famine of H2O and hence stringent steps are required to conserve and efficient ; y use bing resources. Archaeological grounds attests to the gaining control of rainwater as far back as 4,000 old ages ago, and the construct of rainwater harvest home in China may day of the month back 6,000 old ages. Ruins of cisterns built every bit early as 2000 B.C. for hive awaying overflow from hillsides for agricultural and domestic intents are still standing in Israel ( Gould and Nissen-Petersen, 1999 ) . Advantages and benefits of rainwater reaping are legion ( Krishna, 2003 ) . The H2O is free ; the lone cost is for aggregation and usage. The terminal usage of harvested H2O is located near to the beginning, extinguishing the demand for complex and dearly-won distribution systems. Rainwater provides a H2O beginning when groundwater is unacceptable or unavailable, or it can augment limited groundwater supplies. Rainwater is sodium-free, of import for individuals on low-sodium diets. Rainwater is superior for landscape irrigation. Rainwater reaping reduces flow to ramp H2O drains and besides reduces non-point beginning pollution. Rainwater reaping helps public-service corporations cut down the summer demand extremum and hold enlargement of bing H2O intervention workss. Rainwater reaping reduces consumers ‘ public-service corporation measures. In a residential or small-scale application, rainwater harvest home can be every bit simple as imparting rain running off an unguttered roof to a planted landscape country via contoured landscape. To forestall eroding on aslant surfaces, a bermed concave keeping country down incline can hive away H2O for direct usage by turfgrass or workss ( Waterfall, 1998 ) . More complex systems include troughs, pipes, storage armored combat vehicles or cisterns, filtrating, pump ( s ) , and H2O intervention for drinkable usage. Overall supply and demand scenario over 2006 Wind power potency in India Break-out of Installed Base of Electricity Generation from Wind Energy, By State, in 2006 Beginning: TERI Energy Data and Year Book 2006 Bagasse-based Co-generation Potential in Indai by State Beginning: Alliance of Indian Industry, † Baground Paper † 1st India Clean Tech Forum, August 3,2007 National Biomass power Estimation for Tamil Nadu Beginning: Government of India ministry of new and renewable energy hypertext transfer protocol: //

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Environmental Management System Audit

An Audit is not the same as an Inventory Many people can confuse an audit with an inventory. The one vital difference between the inventory and an audit is that the inventory is concerned only with the environment, whereas an audit concerns the relationship of a community. The main purpose of the inventory is to collect environmental facts. (Newman et al. , 1997). An audit relates those facts to a specific community. This concern for compliance with standard rules and requirements is also relevant to environmental audits, but normally will not dominate the audit, as it does a financial audit. The environment cannot be reduced to a set of rules, such as those that control the preparation of financial statements. The report on an environmental audit will be lengthy rather than brief, and its findings will tend to be in the form of comments, recommendations and suggestions. This means that there is scope for disagreement or different interpretations. An audit also considers how the past has led to the present situation, but it is more concerned with the overall picture than with specific problems. (Newman et al. 1996) An audit: Summary Places the emphasis on interpretation rather than on data collection Emphasizes the overall view rather than specific investigation of individual problems. Is an activity commissioned by and used by a First Nation, not something carried out by or for another body. Assists the identification of goals and priorities, rather than being a response to problems or opportunities. Definitions Environmental Management System: The organizational structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes, and resources for implementing and maintaining environmental management. Graff, 1997) Environmental Management System Audit: A program and procedure that determines whether the environmental management system conforms to the organization's planned arrangements and whether it has been properly implemented and maintained. (Newman et al. , 1997). It contributes to management's purpose of the continuing capability of the environmental management system. Environmental Management System Review: A formal evaluation by senior management of the status and capability of the environmental management system in relation to environmental policy and new objectives resulting from changing circumstances. Environmental Management System The International Organization for Standardization defines an EMS (Environmental Management System) as the â€Å"organizational structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for implementing and maintaining environmental management. â€Å"(1995, p. 6) In simplified terms, an EMS continually provides an organization with an accurate understanding of the impacts its activities are having on the environment, as well as useful estimates of potential impacts. A critical element of an EMS is the requirement for management to demonstrate a commitment to continual improvement by periodically auditing, reviewing and revising its EMS. (Graff, 1997) As evidenced by the word â€Å"system,† an EMS suggests a continuous cycle. This cycle begins with the design of an environmental policy. The policy must then be operationalized and implemented throughout the organization. The company must declare its environmental objectives, and identify those, which will have the greatest environmental impact. These objectives become the primary areas of consideration within the company's environmental programs. The environmental programs are essentially the blueprint the organization follows to achieve specific objectives and targets along the route to achieving the overall environmental policy. The EMS establishes procedures; work instructions and controls to ensure that implementation of the policy and achievement of the targets can become a reality. (The International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Communication is vital. It enables people within the organization to understand their responsibilities, and to have an appreciation for the environmental objectives of the organization. With this information, they are better able to contribute to the success of the EMS. Conclusion Environmental management aims to make responsible use of natural, economic and human resources in ways that protect and improve the environment. It seeks to protect valued ecological assets, manage local areas in the most appropriate way and enhance the relationship between people and the natural environment. (Turner et al. , 1993). Today environmental management aims to secure the important principles of sustainable development which seeks to put in place stewardship of the environment for this and future generations.

America in Black and White

Langston Hughes was an important and defining figure of the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920’s up to the 1930’s, a decade of great activity in the African-American arts scene. Hughes was known for the rhythm, jazz and blues, of his poetry. The theme of his poetry is mostly on the life experiences of the African-American. In his Theme for English B, Hughes expresses the reality in the disparity – of being Black among Whites. In the first stanza, the professor’s assignment was specific and defined which was to write a page about oneself. It was a deviation from the usual rigid English lessons, like classical poems.Writing about oneself was more loose and relaxed. Hughes used iambic quatrain to taunt the rigidity of the instruction. Hughes made it known from the beginning that student and professor were different. The student thought the assignment over, and wondered if it was easy writing about oneself. Hughes used the free-verse style on rest of the poem to c ontrast the earlier quatrain. Alliteration and Assonance in Line 7, â€Å"I am twenty-two, colored, born in Winston-Salem† had the jazz sounds of Harlem. Here, Hughes bared that the student was Black and therefore the professor was White.When he combined two vowel sounds in Line 10, â€Å"I am the only colored student in my class† Hughes indicated how strongly the student felt about being Black. Hughes used metaphors to denote Black with Harlem, 8th Avenue, 7th Street and Harlem Branch Y, places where there was heavy African-American population. There was a noticeable change in the order of the [I] from Lines 6, 7, 8 and 10, such as, â€Å"I wonder†¦ / I am twenty-two †¦ / I went to school there †¦ / I am the only †¦Ã¢â‚¬  to Lines 12-14 â€Å"†¦ then I cross †¦/ †¦ and I come †¦ / †¦ where I come †¦ /. † The [I] used to start off the lines, they now end off the lines.Such reversal was a symbolical of the place the Black took in society. The symbolism of coming from African-American places going upwards to the school on the hill and taking the elevator to his room at the Y told of the student’s efforts to reach the level of the Whites. It must be recalled in Line 6 that the student had doubts â€Å"I wonder if it’s that simple? † referring to the assignment. Now at Line 16, he was sure that â€Å"It is not easy to know what is true for you or me. † Hughes at this point now came with the â€Å"you† together with the â€Å"me.† With â€Å"I feel and see and hear, Harlem, I hear you:† â€Å"hear you, hear me – we two – you me, talk on this page† (Lines18-19) the student was not just writing about himself but of the whole African-American people. The sound of the assonance was strong like the clamor for equality. In Lines 21-26, the student cried out that he, in many ways, was like a white man with the same wants and aspira tions in life. Hughes’ metaphors for gifts like â€Å"pipe† to mean growing old, â€Å"Bessie† for Blues, â€Å"Bop† for Jazz, and â€Å"Bach† for the classical and Baroque music.The student wrote that the African-American also wanted the things the White man enjoyed. Hughes subtly presented the issue of racism by completely leaving out the assonance, instead, the student was introspective when he asked â€Å"So will my page be colored that I write? † (Line 27). Despite the absence of the assonance, Hughes was still able to convey what the student wanted – to experience life, like the Whites do, until he is old when he smokes his pipe and listen to good music. The professor and the student were a contrast from the start, with conflicts in between.Hughes found a common ground in Lines 31-33 â€Å"You are white — / yet part of me, as I am part of you. / That’s American. † He followed it up with Lines 37-38 â€Å"As I learn from you, I guess you learn from me –† Hughes tried to make his readers see that the equalizer comes in both their being Americans. Theme for English B gives a very light treatment, being a free verse, of a compelling issue such as racism. The readers are able to internalize the poem through its rhythm. The tone of the poem is reflective as it is assertive with the use of the poetic voice of â€Å"I† coming as it is from someone who has a personal stake on the issue.Hughes was excellent in the use of a page for a composition in an English B class, where the student would use black ink to write on a white sheet of writing paper. The symbolisms accurately portrayed the issue in the poem – that Blacks and Whites despite their difference should not be opposing colors of America. They will both write history and define their future as Americans. References Hughes, L. (1951). Theme for English B. Retrieved April 25, 2009 from http://www. eecs. harvard. edu/~keith/poems/English_B. html

Monday, July 29, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 133

Assignment Example However, it is worth observing the fact that despite the crisis, for the Neo-Classics, they responded through defending their position and even made it clear that the crisis was a confirmation of their view. It is understandable that the disunity amongst economists become more pronounced after the economic and the financial crisis mainly due to the resemblance of the recent financial crisis to the great depression of 1930s in both policy orientation and on doctrine issues. During the principle policy problem of the 1930s was unemployment which was then traced to rigidities which prevented the free working of the capitalist system and it was then determined that the major rigidity was obstruction too the downward movement of wages, making the crisis a matter of confidence which could not find cure either on fiscal or monetary expansion. Looking at the current crisis, it is evident that the crisis was triggered by the collapse in the banking system which was a big wake up call for the Neo-classical mainstream economists as it was a clear proof of ill preparation for the crisis owing to the cold shoulder extended to the financial sector. However, on the other hand, the New Keynesians and the New Institutional Economists were presented with the first opportunity to employ the use of fiscal and monetary expansion to halt the contraction of the financial sector. Therefore, theoretically, as a matter of fact, neither economics nor the special branch of economic history is capable is capable of doing its work entirely without help from the neo-classical theory. The last quarter a century has seen the economy-environmental dynamic become subject to the concept of the environment and humans. The last decade has seen an increase in alarming abuse of and exerting of excessive pressure on the environment resulting into a devastation on a grand scale most notably in the developing countries. Most of these instances have

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Mexico economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Mexico economy - Essay Example Though the authorities and citizens believed these new changes would eliminate graft, instead they fuelled and provided new avenues for corrupt activities. Democracy gave rise to selfish and power hungry individuals that hold powerful political positions. Ironically, economic reforms such as privatization of the companies enhanced graft instead of improving the economy. Furthermore, the massive trading activities in the country in the early millennium resulted in huge embezzlement of public funds. The corruption index currently shows that 27.2 percent of Mexicans are corrupt. Analysis: No sector of the Mexican economy is untouched by corrupt activities. Consequently, a fifth of wealthy businessmen claim corruption is the primary obstacle that hinder their investment activities in the country. Additionally, the poverty level is high since Mexicans have a tendency of paying bribes even for essential services such as water supply. As a result, a quarter of the country’s total income is spent on corrupt activities. The Economist. "Corruption in Latin America." The Economist. 14 Mar. 2015. Web. 26 Mar. 2015. The Economist. "Corruption in Latin America." The Economist. 14 Mar. 2015. Web. 26 Mar. 2015.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Short Answer Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Short Answer Questions - Essay Example When one is able to clarify the values it gives an opportunity to identify the strength needed in displaying ones profession of nursing. One is able to give services with the help of both personal and profession values. Values are classified according to profession, for example the nursing profession requires patience ,love and honesty. Therefore is it important for to clarify the values in order to execute services in a more diligent way. Public figures are the people entitled to serve the public and most of them do the opposite with their value requirements. This is not the same with the those of professional figures because profession requires direct application of those values in discharging of services .Doctors are professional figures and they execute duties according to their personal and professional values. Public figures have odds in terms of value application because they do things that don’t result from the values they are expected from them. Politicians for instance have odds in terms of their values. They engage in corruption, bribery and tribalism during giving services to the public. This is totally wrong since they are leaders and they should exercise leadership values. The term professional refers to a description of an individual who is competent or skilled in a particular activity. It can also mean a person who is involved in a particular activity as an occupation. Abortion and voluntary euthanasia are important but critical issues related to life and death. They involve use of ethical issues that require legal decisions . Personal interventions are also required before making a decision on abortion and voluntary euthanasia. Abortion is a service that should be offered only under certain conditions of the patient. Legal procedure may follow where the attorney is involved. A person’s will or decision to undergo may be approved after consideration of several valid

Friday, July 26, 2019

The importance of Interactive Whiteboard Assignment

The importance of Interactive Whiteboard - Assignment Example Interactive whiteboards are an effective way to interact with technology and multimedia in an organization or institute where there are a variety of people with different backgrounds and learning capabilities. The interactive whiteboards help the teachers in portraying things more effectively than any other means. They are not limited to some extent in describing things; in fact they present the learning materials that are more adaptable by the students (Billiard, 2002). They do not rely on the manipulation of words and pictures, nor are limited to making notes in digital ink like the ones used in the case of projectors; they avoid the hassle of saving notes for later reviews, viewing websites in groups, demonstrating software without being tied to a computer, and showing students’ presentations. They use presentation tools such as software, hardware etc. that are included with the whiteboard software to enhance the learning material outlook. This makes interactive whiteboards a must for most of the educational institutions especially for those which tend to provide education to primary level classes. (Jonassen & Peck, 1999). Most people need to ask other questions in order to reinforce their understanding. This makes learning an inherently social activity, in which everyone is involved from teachers to fellow students. Interactive whiteboards help this sort of teacher-student learning where everyone learns on their own (Billiard, 2002). Context It is important to educate students who study in higher education particularly in childhood departments. The early education plays the key role in the life of children. It is the time when children learn to their fullest. They adopt everything that is taught to them. In this way, childhood is an important stage of a person’s life (Bryant & Hunton, 2000). Whatever he has learnt in that phase of life, he will exhibit it in his whole life. Child development refers to the changes that occur as a child grows an d develops to bring sound changes in himself (Armstrong et al, 2005). The changes are related to physical health, mental health, social competence and ability to learn everything. The early childhood is fundamentally important. These years are the ones when children’s minds, growth, development, and learning capabilities are shaped (Foshay, 1999). Later in life, this assists the child in learning from school, home and communities. Recent research indicates that the early childhood is vital for the development of the child’s brain and in shaping the child’s brain architecture. The experience gained at that time provides foundation for the brain acceptance of learning, development, and functioning throughout their life. The experience gained also has a direct effect on the social, mental and learning abilities (Bryant & Hunton, 2000). There are many ways in which technology can be used. The technologies that are making students learn something can be employed by e ducational institutions (Hurst, n.d.). This includes technologies that communicate to the students with the help of new medium. The students can be provided with graphical presentations of concepts and learning material. By introducing computers and technologies of these types, learning can be made more effective (Pagett & Shenton, 2007).

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Battle For Berlin Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Battle For Berlin - Research Paper Example There was a huge difference between the strength of German and Russian forces in all aspects, which also played its role in the defeat of the German army. The Russian forces were superior to the German army in terms of equipment and troops, which helped them defeat German forces and race towards the city of Berlin. The major countries, which sent their forces to carry out attack on Berlin, were Russia, Poland, Romania, and Czechoslovakia. â€Å"The Red Army played the dominant role in the defeat of the Reich, demoting the Anglo-American war effort to secondary or tertiary importance† (Davies 2006). Over 2.5 million men including 78000 Polish army men attacked Berlin defeating the German army all over. Russian forces, known as red army in the World War II, fired over two million artillery shells in different parts of Berlin, which not only destroyed the buildings and homes but also killed a large number of German civilians. Germans were though equipped with portable anti-tank w eaponry in order to destroy the Russian tanks but they failed to make a good use of those weapons. Russian army used to destroy whole buildings in occurrence of a single fire from those buildings. The huge difference between the manpower and equipment showed its effects on the battle between the two forces. German army although fought bravely but it could not meet the strength of the Red army. Russians rolled down relentlessly from the east and the northeast of Berlin. After sustaining as many as 325,000 causalities, Berlin surrendered on 2nd May 1945, which marked an end not only to the battle but also to the World War II. Importance of Battle for Berlin in World War II and Contributing Factors The battle of Berlin was of extreme importance not only for the Soviet Union but also for the European sector. Russia was a real power at that time and that was one of the reasons of war because Russia wanted to show its power in the World War II. The battle of Berlin was also of great polit ical importance because it was not only important for the unity of alliance but also it provided help to Russia on the Oder East of Germany. The main causes of the battle of Berlin were the unresolved issues of the World War I. Those issues created tensions between the countries, which led towards the World War II and eventually towards the battle of Berlin. In addition, the military aggression shown by Nazi Germany and Japan on Poland and China strengthened the way towards Second World War. The Soviet Union wanted to disarm Germany because it was posing threat to various other countries. For this reason, Soviet Union allied with the United States, Britain, and France in order to launch a combined attack on Germany. Germany was becoming a great threat to the unity of alliance, so in order to keep it away from further invasions; Soviet Union decided to attack the city of Berlin in order to take full control of Germany. The battle of Berlin gained significant importance at the end of the World War II. The battle not only resulted in ending the World War II but also played its role in securing most of the European countries from Nazi Germany. Germany and Russia were the two major forces of the world war and both of them were aiming to get success at the end of the war. It is natural that in the war, one group wins and the other one faces a

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Terrorist group Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Terrorist group - Research Paper Example According to ( Tellis) â€Å"In fact, since its establishment in 1987, LeT’s objectives relating to Kashmir and, more generally, India were fundamentally embedded in wider ambitions, with its focus on the subcontinent deriving mainly from its practical circumstances†. The suspected leaders of Lashkar - e – Taiba are Hafiz Muhammad Saeed ( Founder and Head) Abdul Rehman Makki (Second in Commander) Zaki – ur –Rehman- Lakhvi(Senior Member) Zarra Shah( Planning head) Muhammed Ashraf ( Financial Officer), Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed Bahaziq ( Leader & Financier)Nasr Javed ( Senior Operative). The characteristics of Lashkar leaders are fanaticism, radicalism, violence, suspicious identity, self - destruction, possession of weapons, illegal activities and funding and conspiracy. They have a suspicious identity and these people are not seen in public. They have an aggressive nature and are strong willed and high determination. They have the motive of separating K ashmir from India and joining with Pakistan as a Muslim state. This group is motivated by Al – Qaeda theology and US Foreign Policy. They have the sole purpose of destroying India a country and to uproot Hinduism and Judaism. LeT has declared Hindus and Jews to be enemies of Islam. According to ( Ahmed) â€Å" Union minister of state for home I.D. ... One of the thing they are trying to accomplish is to get rid of non – Islamist troop out of India and Middle East. They want to destroy Indian Republic as they believe that India the enemy of Islam and wants to subjugate the Islamic world. Lashkar -e- Taiba is attempting to preserve its ideologies of a puritanical and fundamental group. They want to preserve their religious laws and want to be distinctive from other cultures of world. They believe that Hinduism and Judaism are religion against Islamic values and want to eradicate them. They want to accomplish a strictly observing Islamic world with Quran principles as its foundation. Lashkar-e- Taiba as a terrorist group has focus on social, religious and political aspect. If one look at social aspect they want a culture or a world which is conservative and less liberal .They want a society which resembles and follows a restrictive life for women. On religious side, they focus on promoting a world where the Islamic rules are f ollowed. Lashkar- e- Taiba is a radical movement and a fanatic organization which only believe in one religion of Islam. On Political grounds they want to destroy non-believers especially India. Even though Lashkar target Hindus and Jews they do kill all sorts of people who are against their agenda. The Lashkar – e- Taiba has targeted India and Israel despite of the existence of Muslim population in the country. They despise Indian and Jews and most of the attacks have been made on Indian nationals. But they also have enmity towards Jews and they have a large scale network operation. Basically, non Muslims are their main targets. For the reason for targeting these people are basically because they devaluate Islamic rules and

Strategy implementation and context Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Strategy implementation and context - Case Study Example This strategy should be supported by a different structure that would carry on the fulfillment of various responsibilities and tasks to achieve the organization's objectives. However, in implementing a chosen strategy which requires restructuring within an organization, various strategic human resource management issues should be addressed. In the case of VSM, where the recommended strategies are to induce inorganic growth and to consolidate fragmented markets through acquisitions, potential barriers to the implementation of these strategies are discussed below. Capacity talks about the ability of the environment of an organization to promote growth, which is measured through relative abundance or scarcity in the market. In the case of VSM, researchers suggest in their recommendation acquisitions in the market in order for the company to strengthen its presence, due to scarcity of resources. There is little growth in some parts of the market that it needs to be consolidated for VSM to maintain profitability and acquire new resources for its expansion goals. Stability and dynamism is what the volatility dimension is about-the degree of instability in the environment of the company.... The third dimension is determined by relative homogeneity and dispersion of elements which make an environment either simple or complex. VSM operates in a relative heterogeneous environment with dispersed elements, given that its sewing machine production is coupled with the changes in technology, which we all know is more rapidly-changing. When it incorporates information technology in its offering, the company becomes subject to changes in technology in the market place. Also, the company faces relative threat of new entrant as competitors that fight in terms of costs. All these comprise the complexity in VSM's environment. P&G P&G is in the business of fast-moving consumer goods-as it offers a diverse range of products that consumers use and consume in their daily lives. From abundant to scarce--the amount of resources that are available to the organization determines the degree of an organization to sustain growth; this is the capacity dimension of the organization, as Robbins has put it. The fast moving consumer goods is an abundant environment for P&G, as basically as the people in the world are consumers. The world market has a lot of opportunities in terms of untapped market where P&G can offer the vast range of its products. In terms of volatility, the second dimension in the environment which Robbins described as the degree of instability in the environment, P&G's surrounding environment is relatively dynamic. From stable to dynamic: the degree of high unpredictable change a company faces makes forecasting and testing various probabilities becomes imperative for managers when making decisions. The 'consumer' factor, or the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Analysis the artwork Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis the artwork - Essay Example It is from the Neo-Assyrian era made around the eighth century B.C. from the Assyrian culture, created by an unknown artist. Its accession number is 60.145.11 and the credit line is Rogers Fund, 1960. The artwork stands 13.5 centimeters tall (Metropolitan Museum of Art). As mentioned earlier, the artwork as an example shows its relationship to the artist’s time and culture. The color, lines, shape and volume may as well give the meaning of the artwork as the composition, form and content do. The Assyrian sculpture is made of ivory which has been widely used during the time of its creation. Such use of the material shows the influence of Egyptian culture to Phoenician art. Moreover, the themes of the artworks also reflect the same influence ( With the age of the sculpture, cracks and chips are seen all over it but one can just notice the quality of the material that lasted for millenniums with some of the parts still looking seemingly new, having the usual shiny and smooth surface typical of ivories. As formerly mentioned, ivory was used because of the influence of Egyptian culture to Phoenicia but perhaps also because of its availability and its tendency to last for years. In addition, the beauty that ivory holds is already a reason in itself for it to be used in the piece of art. Furthermore, the color of the sculpture speaks of its age. Most of the parts are faded while those which retained the color of the ivory are a bit darkened perhaps due to exposure to different seasons. The artwork in itself speaks of its early origins, having the customary characteristics of early artworks which do not show the meticulous and detailed general form of modern arts. Instead, the sculpture is roughly molded showing a big head which is not quite proportionate to the body and the faces which do not show fine details. In addition, the body of the tribute bearer and his gifts projected in the sculpture are slender, which is claimed to be Phoenician style ( On the other hand, the other parts of the artwork have finer details which also give away the influence of culture to the artwork. For instance, the hair is obviously not natural because it looks curly, almost similar to the headdress of ancient English people. Moreover, the wrap around skirt is designed with intricate details that reflect Egyptian influence which is mostly observed in their respective artworks. The way the man is dressed shows his position, seen among common Egyptians in contrast to the other cultures where the upper body is also covered. The necklace the man is wearing also shows the use of ornaments of the early generations which is also reflective of Egyptian practice. Lastly, the use of sandals similar to what is used by the Egyptians clearly suggests a close relationship of Phoenicia to the renowned Egypt. The artwork is a reflection of the importance of giving gifts in the Phoenician culture. The man is perhaps sent to the leader of the stat e with the gifts as it was customary in the old times when visiting a leader. It could also be a personal decision for the tribute bearer to bring the gift to the receiver to ask for favors. This practice is widely known and practiced in early generations as often reflected in written literature and films set on such early times. Gifts then could be in the form of fruits, root crops and other foods, jewelries, clothes or animals such as the ones

Monday, July 22, 2019

The U.S. a Guarantor and Challenger of the UN Security System Essay Example for Free

The U.S. a Guarantor and Challenger of the UN Security System Essay The United States of America, through its former president Franklin D. Roosevelt was the founding nation of the United Nations during world war two. The U. S. is one of the permanent member of the UN with veto powers and one of the five Security Council members as well as the major contributor of revenues to the UN, making it a true guarantor of the UN security system. However, since the formation of the UN, the organization has experienced various challenges in executing its duties as a global organization committed to maintaining peace and security, better living standards and human rights, particularly with the United States which has proved somehow to be a stumbling block in the organization effective operation, with the U. S. not respecting U. N. security council resolutions by taking advantage of its mighty economy, huge contribution to the organization and its permanent membership vetting powers to push the UN to comply with its selfish interests, by breaking the organizations security council resolutions hence bringing conflict between the U. S and other security council members. ( Global policy forum, 2008) The United Nations been an international organization, committed to maintaining international peace and security, handles a wide range of issues across the globe. It is best known for peacekeeping, conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance; it requires huge finances to implement its duties. The organizations has a regular two-year budget and its specialized agencies (like UN security agency) are funded by assessments and voluntary contributions from member states. The organization budget is approved by the general assembly, which in addition determines the assessment for each member country, this is mainly based on the capability of each country to pay, although the organizations assembly adheres to its principle of not relying entirely on one member country to finance its operations, hence there is maximum amount which each country can contribute. However the U. S is the only member country that meets the maximum (ceiling rate) making it a true guarantor of the UN security system. In addition to funding the organization operations, the US is one of the five permanent security council members, hence it must participate in approving all peacekeeping and security operations, this a true indication that the U. S is a real guarantor of the UN security systems( Chicago council on global affairs, 2008) The U. S been one of the five permanent members of the UN security council and one of the only five countries recognized as nuclear-weapon states(NWS), it has a permanent representative in the security council hence the U. S participates in investigating any international dispute or any situation which mighty lead to international friction or cause a dispute, the U. S as a security council member take part in deciding what measures are to be taken in situations involving, threat to the peace and it is a stake-holder in recommending on the action to be taken to the concerned countries by either use of armed forces, to maintain and restore international peace and security. For instance the U. S was in the fore-front during the UN armed actions in Korea in 1950 during the Korean War, also the US was the main participant in the use of the coalition forces in Kuwait and Iraq in 1991, making it a true guarantor of the UN security system. (Creery, Janet, 1994) The U. S has been in the forefront as a guarantor and mediator of talks and processes for implementing comprehensive peace agreement needed to assist and bring both north and southern Sudan around one table, laid down their issues and give peace a chance. To understand the drivers of conflict and the gateway to sustainable peace in eastern Sudan, the U. S through its organization called the institute of peace and in partnership with other peace institutions like the Nairobi peace Initiative-Africa, the U. S funded a workshop entitled, Listening to East Sudan, a workshop aimed at assessing the social-economic stresses of the people of eastern Sudan, mobilizing responses in its relentless efforts to see peace and democracy prevail in Sudan (www. usip. org/resources/peacekeeping-and peace building-eastern Sudan) The most remarkable contribution of the United States to the United Nations system was during the Britton woods conference whose objective was to create a new, stable and predictable international monetary and trade regime. This new system opened world markets, promoted a liberal economy and paved way for the birth of different UN institutions like the World Bank and international monetary fund to assist in implementing UNs duties. The United States significantly supported the UN, through funding and other ways making the UN the first international organization to receive a huge financial support fro the U. S. this institutions among others are the building blocks of the UN hence the U. S is one of the financial cornerstones and a guarantor of the UN security systems. (Schweigman, David,2001) The United States has show remarkable efforts in its aggressiveness to see the whole world is at peace and there are no threats to any country. In its efforts to bring peace and sanity in this world, the country has sacrificed its expensive and high-tech military equipment and personnel, for instance in Afghanistan in its efforts to do away with terrorist and other terrorist groups like the Somalia pirates and militia groups such as the alshabab, an activity which is a security responsibility of organizations like the UN. Moreover, recently the whole world witnessed the U. S efforts in Kenya an African country where sometimes back experienced a very severe post-election violence, many innocent and poverty-stricken people including women and children as well as jobless youths lost their lives, the country has since independence experiencing bad leadership because of its outdated, colonial constitution, The US has been tireless in its effort to see the country come up with its people driven constitution, it has financed these process and it was just a few days when the country voted and endorsed a new constitution, a process which the U. S has been pushing for a very long time, hence the U. S has been an icon in maintaining international peace and security making it is a true guarantor of the UN security system because it is in fact executing some of the main UN roles(Samir, Alhawary, 2008) United States has been one of the main supporters of the UN, in various ways and even sometimes implementing some of the core functions of the organization, however, in some other various occasions, the unites States has been a bottleneck to the UN smooth and effective operation. Former U. S president, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was the leader behind the establishment of the UN during world war two . He suggested to his allies especially, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin, the need for a joint organization which could become the primary vehicle for maintaining international peace and stability. Roosevelt was the one who came up with the idea of some member countries being granted veto powers, such that without the agreement of any member with veto powers the organization cannot execute any crucial resolution. The veto issue brought a lot of disagreements among different member states but it was not a matter of negotiation for Roosevelt and his allies, hence this is where the rain started biting the organization because even to date the U. S hardly respect the decision of other member countries and this has been a source of conflict between the U. S and other members who have been proposing the U. S to be chased out of the organization, this is a major challenge to the organization considering that the U. S is one of its faithful financers. (De Wet, Erika, 2004) Some member countries and mostly the United States have been pushing for various reforms to be carried out within the organization. Some want the UN to play a greater or more effective way in the world affairs, others want its mandate to be reduced to humanitarian work, others have been calling for the expansion of the organizations security council memberships among other issues although there has been little consensus on how to handle all this issues. The United States has also been accusing the organization for been inefficiency, this has been a challenge to the organizations operation. The organization experienced on of its ground breaking challenge during the1990, when the U. S withheld its dues citing inefficiencies and only started repayment when its condition of major reform initiative was introduced in 1994, when the organizations general assembly established the office of internal oversight services to serve as a watch dog. | (American interests and UN reforms, 2006)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Terrorism: A Global War

Terrorism: A Global War TERRORISM Now a day the world became a global village due to rapid scientific development. But the major issue through out the world is terrorism. The word ‘terrorism has its different sense. It is necessary to know what Terrorism is and why it is generated. Initially the terrorism belongs to one area, between certain groups, between few races and religions. But now there are no barriers for terrorism. This is the resent trend of terrorism. The main reasons for the generation of Terrorism is extremism, Patriotism, Regionalism as well as Racism. People may become terrorists if they have been unjustified in their personal issues also. It is not possible to give clear-cut meaning of Terrorism, but it can be said that embracing Terrorism will be the destruction of Country, State, people etc As per the Aims of Terrorists on global level are concerned, they want to destroy right to live, freedom and safety, which are regarded as the basic fundamental rights. Destroying the basic values of a democratic society is also another objective. Terrorism should be controlled and must be fought on all stages and by all the players of society: organizations, political players, economic players, and civil and military structures. For that there must be coordination among each other to combat this global threat, which questions our freedom. The Terrorism became a moving target, terrorists activities can be commenced for all sorts of reasons abstractly at least, for none at all other than to promote revolution or to express disgust. The terrorists act generally occurs out of grievance and aggravation, real or imagined, religious, political, economic and personal. Terrorism or the threat of terrorism, can involve weapons of mass destruction, or it can consist of measures of massacre domination and intimation directed on individuals, at a group or class or on all the inhabitants of a region or state. Initially the terrorism was limited to one opponent but now they are trying to see with global vision. The supporters of their opponents are also targeted. The LTTE a terrorist organization primarily is waging guerilla war against the Sri Lankan government, but also assassinated Indian Prime Minister for supporting Sri Lanka. The Talibans not only were against the Christianity but also shown their animosity against Buddhist statutes. Even there were factions among the same religions, which is taking number of lives of the same religion. Terrorists Network: As the world became global village, the technique used by the terrorists also became sophisticated. Crimes have been committed by utilizing Internet for easy transformation of data, which is affecting public. Bomb blasting through remote control, Mobiles, etc became the normal practice of the terrorists. A terrorist is identified by the means employed by him and not by the goal. That means the goal may be right but the way used to achieve the goal by adopting illegal means is wrong. That amounts to terrorism. The major aggression of the terrorist was to distress World Trade Center which took place on 11th September 2001 in USA. It was a shock to the world which left a bad memory in the modern history where more than 5000 people lost their lives. After occurrence of major global horror and dangerous incident to the existence of peace on 11th September 2001 several governments took measure through acts. The USA government took serious note about Terrorism on international level, and other countries also worked for the safety of general public, conducted convention and discussed over the issue of terrorism. Later on, the USA with the combination of alliance and with the acquiescence of UNO attacked on Iraq to squash the terrorists showing some proofs against the peace; conclusively the leader of Iraq, President Saddam Hussain has been sentenced to death. Precautionary measures have been taken on international level to tackle the problem of terrorism. It was stated in the European Summit meeting in Berlin, that the United States and the European Union have the same aim of global cooperation in the fight against terrorism. Nations should get together on a global level and act for security of them selves and world at large. This should be done without disturbing others sovereignty and personal freedom. Impact of Terrorism It is revealed that some countries are perpetuating Terrorist on the name of Religion, Race etc. At present, the most wanted Terrorist is Osama-bin-ladin. Several efforts have been made to detain him; so many persons have been slaughtered stating that they belong to Osama. U.S.A warned other countries not to protect him and raised voice against terrorism. So many legislations have been passed in UNO to trounce terrorism all over the world. A seminar on â€Å"Regional and Global Terrorist Threats: The way Out† recently held at CRRID, Chandigarh in association with the M.L.Sondhi Institute for Asia-Pacific Affairs involved participants from CIS, Israel, Pakistan, Nepal and India. One of the participants questioned the concept of the global war on terror, since each manifestation can be traced to particular and local political causes as in Sri Lanka, Chechnya, Northern Ireland, Kashmir and Palestine. Perhaps it is more a â€Å"global† than a global phenomenon, with international technologies and methodologies applied to local situations. Hence the suggestion is that nations cannot take each terrorist organization as a different one. Even though they are different they are interlinked and mutually supportive. So a concreted international effort can only eradicate terrorism totally. The EU and the fight against terrorism: The security measure were reinforced by the EU since September 11th,2001. they have made more stringent efforts after the attacks on Madrid in 2004, and London in 2005. A new strategy was developed and adopted at the European level. It has appointed a coordinator to fight against terrorism. This strategy has 4 themes: Prevention: consists of avoiding individuals from indulge towards terrorism by tackle the major cases which lead to the recruitment of terrorists and radicalization. Protection includes protecting citizens by reducing vulnerability in the fact of attacks. Perusal concerns directly to the terrorists themselves both inside Europe and outside Europe. It concerns preventing communication, planning, movement, disruption of support networks and strict acts on monetary polices preventing access to finance and equipment. Reaction concerns the fire fighters directly. This is the last step and once predictor ad prevention has failed, obviously the next step will be reaction. Civil protection in European level is covered by a Community mechanism, which was created in October 2001. As of now there are thirty countries i.e., 25 European countries and other countries like Iceland, Bulgaria, Norway Liechtenstein and Romania are grouped under this mechanism. Under this mechanism there are few measures and guidelines that the commission has set up. They mostly look forward for mutual assistance in sharing information through better communication. This mechanism keeps the members in attention and make sure that they will act in any emergencies. Policies and Legislations: Anti-terrorism legislations were passed at international level with the aim to tackle terrorism. It includes specific amendments allowing the state to avoid its own legislation when combating terrorism-allied crimes under the grounds of necessity. Since 1934 the foremost Agenda on International level was Terrorism, with the establishment of League of Nations and even with the establishment of United Nations in the month of June 1945. The UN General Assembly implemented the Global Counter-Terrorism strategy on 8th September 2006. There are some more related international conventions which were enacted to counter terrorism are U.K Terrorism Act, 2006, Australian Anti-Terrorism Act, 2005, Terrorist and disruptive Activities (prevention) Act, Military Commissions Act of 2006, SAFETY Act. Special measures taken to safeguard the public Several international organizations and even governments of the countries are making enough efforts to safeguard public from terrorism. Resolutions such as 1267, 1269, and 1333 of United Nations Security Council condemned the acts of international terrorism and asked the member nations to draft relevant laws to control it. Even Security Council 1368s resolution also was taken aftermath of September 11. It states terrorism as a threat to international peace and security. The measures generally focus on the implementation of co-operation and support activities among the nations. The measures should not be so coercive and must not constitute threat. There should be quick search and rescue activities by the forces. After the event of 11th September 2001 in USA special measures were taken by the foreign countries to safeguard the general public in order to achieve Charter of the UNO against terrorist attack in USA as well as Humanitarian Measures based on relevant resolution passed by the United Nations. Later on an Anti terrorism bill passed in the United States which provided aid to the families of Public Safety officer who were injured or killed in terrorist attack. Overview of the relevant case laws: NEUREMBERG TRIAL 96 FRD.69 (1946) United State Vs. Abu Marzook 2006 W 25008 (N.B.ILL) The brief facts of case law Nuremberg Trail: Twenty Germany Nazi leaders and six organizations committed genocides during the Second World War. They were prosecuted as war criminals. The evidence proved that they committed with common planning and conspiracy. The Nuremberg Tribunal was established after the Second World War to try the war criminals of many. The trial started on 20-11-1945. Judgment: The Nuremberg Tribunal gave its judgment on 30-9-1946. It found that all the accused except three were the guilty of criminal offences and genocides. It acquitted those three, and imposed death sentence for ten accused, awarded punishment of transportation for life to 3 accused and awarded imprisonment for a long period to four accused. The Tribunal also found that out of six organizations, only tow organizations (the Reich Cabinet and the General Staff and High Command) were not guilty and the remaining four organizations were guilty. Principles : The Tribunal rejected the defenses of ‘nullum crimen sine lege, nulla poena sine lege (There is no crime more punishment except in accordance with law) and act of State. The Tribunal observed. The fact that a person who committed an act, which constitutes a crime under international law acted as the head of the State or responsible government official does not relieve him from responsibility under international law. Implication of terrorist attacks in recent days: With the recent developments number of universities and research agendas are adding terrorism as topic and lot of ‘think thanks are into that work. Still up to the September 11 incident the people all over the globe were not particular about the terrorism except form nations like India, Sri Lanka, Colombia, Algeria, Israel and few more which were facing it form many decades. â€Å"After 9/11 it became impossible, even for the most sheltered ivory-towered academic, to deny the reality of terrorism. The hijacked airliners were deliberately flown into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, killing an estimated 3,000 civilians.†Many conventions and declaration proclaimed a transformation of the world. But American responded negatively and continued the established approaches, polices trends etc after 9/11. September 11,2001, attacks shown the vulnerability of the Super power. But it responded and demonstrated that America remains exceptional in its capacity to deploy vast reso urces and destructive assets on a global scale. Immediate actions against the Taliban regime, reveled it as a hegemonic power. It bounced back well than every one expected. It is a process of removal of its opponents all around the world and calling them as a threat to global threat. It used the situation well for its own uses on the name of ‘war against terrorism. The world is afraid of the word terrorism. The general public, nations ranging from developing to developed are not in a position to hear the term terrorism at least. The terrorist organization are taking this as an advantage and trying to create more chaos among the public. Initially they used the media as a tool to communicate their demands but with the more accessibility they are using it as a tool to create more confusion among the pubic. They are even hacking confidential documents of government, which became a major concern to them now. People were upset with the terrorism. This is one of the aims of terrorism . Terrorists were doing their activities from several decades but now they came into a global arena. This order to control global terrorism nations also started a ‘war against Terrorism under the leadership of America. This became a global phenomenon now. Now we entered into a permanent state of emergency, which is now called ‘war on Terrorism. The attacks of terrorist now are very difficult to under stand. Intelligence authorities are failing to trace the information of attacks. They are ending in doing the aftermath analysis, which tells about the failure, the death toll and the lapses. To defend the terrorism there are two methods like anti-terrorism and counter terrorism. The antiterrorism is dealt with the lawful steps, which can be taken by the government with the special legislation and also martial law. The later one is the aggressive one and which talks about the armed methods. These include assassinations, arbitrary reprisals on the terrorists. â€Å"Terrorism is, among other things, a weapon used by the weak against the strong.† The world is entering the 21st century with lot of hope and improvement it had gone through the last centuries. These will be accompanied with the terrorism, which has the power to question the existence of peace and tranquility. EU measures after September 11. The new laws had lot of impact upon the immigrants, non-citizens and asylum seekers lives. In order to mitigate the more effect on those EU took enough safe guards and kept citizens and non-citizen in same line. We know that there remains a scope of suspicion and rejection of non-citizens in wide manner. After September 11, 2001 the stringent immigration polices and harsh asylum has fostered the potential nexus among all the groups. This was reveled after the attacks on Morocco and Saudi Arabia. Every country has strengthened its judiciary and police administration after September 11,2001. Apart from that the nations havent progressed much. The focus was mostly shifted in making stringent laws against the immigration laws and non-citizens, which even made the condition worse than before. Numerous attempts are going on to combat terrorism on International level, in this regard, mostly United Nations playing a significant role to eradicate the terrorists acts. On the other hand, the Security Council has also making efforts in countering terrorism through various norms passed by the UNO to squash the illegal acts of the terrorist. Further the UNO extended its assistance with the Member of USA and opened a new phase in their counter-terrorism efforts by agreeing on a global strategy to counter terrorism. The strategy adopted and launched on 19 September 2006 by the common agreement of the world with equivalent strategic approach to fight against terrorism. In September 2005 Summ it a strategy builds on the unique consensus to strengthen the role of the United Nations to condemn terrorism in all its forms to combat terrorist felony. Following measures taken against Terrorism 1. During the past years the Republic of Cyprus not faced any terrorist activities which threat to the country, so they doesnt consider it. Even in the presence of two military bases of Britishes and the Turkish livelihood of the northern part of its territory. In the opinion of the Cyprus govt. terrorism is not based on any religion. 2. Institutional Framework The Ministry of Foreign affairs has a role in the general coordination and transmission of information though it is indirectly involved in the measures of counter-terrorism. Conversely, (MOKAS) Customs and Excise Department) are eagerly in cooperation for the adoption and implementation of the provisions of United Security Council. The Cyprus policy against terrorism at international level has been formulated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in coordination with European Union and U.N. Twelve protocols and conventions are contracted by the Republic of Cyprus which is signatory to squash the terrorists nuclear act terminating of the negotiations and the implementation of the Comprehensive Convention against International Terrorism. Cyprus is totally agreed to the provisions of UN Security Council Resolution 1371 (2001) to combat terrorism. The fifth report of the same was submitted on 2nd August 2005. Measures in the European Union: The Cyprus consents the objectives of the Counter-terrorism strategy and supports the European Union to combat terrorism. The main objectives of the strategy are, to protect citizens and their infrastructure, to trauma terrorists network and to stifle the terrorist attacks. The public policies should be so good enough that they can serve the purpose of controlling the terrorism and also safeguarding the public safety. All the advancement we made in our civilizations is questioned by the terrorism. So government should be fulfill the basic guidelines of police then only our development will have perfect meaning. References: 1. Countering the New Terrorism. Ian O. Lesser , Bruce Hoffman, John Arquilla, David Ronfeldt , Michele Zanini . Rand. Santa Monica, CA, 1999. Pp 85. 2. International instruments to counter terrorism, United Nations. International instruments to counter terrorism, United Nations December,22,2007. 3. Letter to a Frenchman on the Present Crisis (1870) by Mikhail Bakunin Letter to a Frenchman on the Present Crisis (1870) by Mikhail Bakunin,22,2007. 4. Global Responses to Terrorism: 9/11, Afghanistan and beyond. Mary Buckley, Rick Fawn Routledge. : New York. 2003. Pp 25. 5. Global Responses to Terrorism: 9/11, Afghanistan and beyond. Mary Buckley, Rick Fawn Routledge.: New York. 2003. Pp: 52. 6. Terrorism: A Very Short Introduction. Charles Townshend. Oxford University Press. Oxford, England. 2002. Pp 1. 7. Terrorism: A Very Short Introduction. Charles Townshend . Oxford University Press. Oxford, England. 2002. Pp: 114.